Saline Tattoo


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Saline removal and lightening of permanent cosmetics & traditional tattoos is a safe alternative to laser removal. Annie utilizes LiFT, a natural saline solution formulated with essential oils to gently lighten undesired pigment. The solution is tattooed into the skin triggering the process of Osmosis which starts to move the pigment upward to the outer layer of the skin. Pigment is removed through the natural healing process without the risk of scarring or pigment discoloration. This technique is suitable for lightening of traditional tattoo's for future coverups, removal of traditional tattoo's smaller than 2 inches by 2 inches and removal of unwanted permanent makeup. 

Laser Removal recommendation for bigger surface areas, dark permanent cosmetics and traditional tattoo's, we trust Removery and recommend our clients to their location in Tukwila (866-465-0090 | They offer the latest in technology with the PICO laser removal. Scroll below for more facts and processes.

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Say goodbye to unwanted permanent makeup & Tattoo's

Trusted Process

We are seeing a sharp rise of removal requests. Whether you desire removal of bad PMU or a return to your natural appearance...this solution is a safe alternative to costly laser treatments that may leave undesirable (white, pink, red) color in your skin.

Removal or lightening is not a magic eraser. All permanent makeup & tattoo lightening will take multiple sessions.

LiFT keeps skin safe for future new permanent cosmetics or tattoo coverups.

Certified since 2018.

Schedule Your Consultation

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LiFT Saline solution is safe to use around the eye area and remove unwanted or migrated eyeliner.

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Old Ink

Lightens old ink & pigment that has been sitting in the skin for years.

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Emergency Removal

90% effective in removal of new permanent cosmetics within 48 hours of initial application.

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Laser Alternative

LiFT removes all unwanted colors, including base colors of pigment. White (titanium dioxide), Pink & Red

The Difference

Laboratory formulated, natural solution to removal.

LiFT does not contain acids, alkalines or heavy metal salts.

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Healed After One Session

Creates a soft blurring effect.

Expect pigment to lighten as

Osmosis occurs in pigment layers.

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Immediately after Removal

Skin will be pink and sensitive.

See healthy healing below.

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Emergency Removal

One session 95% Removal

Key Factors


Saturation is defined as how much pigment was previously implanted into the skin. Deeply saturated PMU will require more sessions.

Skin Type

Your skin type may require additional sessions. Oily, mature and big pores are points to consider as your technician.


If your pigment was implanted deeply into the skin, it will take longer to bring undesired pigment to the surface through the Osmosis process.

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Healthy Healing

Upon completion of your removal session expect your skin to be pink and sensitive.

The effectiveness of your results truly depends upon following your aftercare instruction.

Keep your removal 100% dry for 3 days.

Allow scabs to form and exfoliate naturally.

Apply provided skin serum once scabs have fully exfoliated.

Return in 12 weeks for your follow-up with Annie.

A minimum of 12 weeks healing time is required to prevent scarring and

to allow the Osmosis process to fully complete.

New permanent makeup can then safely be applied.

Saline Removal

On average requires 5-8 sessions.

12 weeks between sessions.

Pigment & Ink is lifted up & out of the skin (scabbing).

Not color restrictive.

Ideal for small body tattoos & all permanent makeup.

No scar tissue when done properly & slowly.

Saline Solution is tattooed into the skin.

Can remove unwanted color post-laser treatments.

Can safely tattoo over areas of lightening.

Safe to remove areas around the eye (eyeliner).

Laser Removal

On average requires 6-10 sessions.

6 weeks between sessions.

Pushes pigment into the body to be removed by lymph & waste system.

Color restrictive (can leave white, pink, red).

Ideal for large area traditional tattoo removal.

May cause hypo or hyperpigmentation of the skin.

Can remove brow hair.

Removal can result in prolonged redness & blistering.

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Per Session

Sessions are typically 40-60 minutes.

Expect multiple sessions to achieve desired results.

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